Astronaut Wannabe!

and hello monday guys!
New entry for my last week activity with mr fiancee*
 eheks ^.^ 

So here we are!
at National Planetarium, Kuala Lumpur
located near with Taman Rama-rama, Tugu Negara etc
and this activity was superb cool awesome!
feels like me, himself and i so-much-very extraordinary astronaut of the day!
*ayat yang sangat melampau, menunjukkan bertapa bestnya tempat ni! Haha :D

See! I've told you!
how happy we are flying to the moon and yes! we've did it. Haha :P

 My badut and with him anti-gravity room *dizzy

 hey hey!
we are on news! wohoo!
kau ado? :P

Overall, i do love it!
hey! you guys should come here and being superb cool astronaut like us too! Haha :D

Till then,

3 love bananas! nyuumyy:

Unknown said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

wooo..beznye dpt pi planetarium..lama dh x pg sana..masa kecik je pnh..
follow sini

Poco Endrigon said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

lama dh tk prgi sana..last pergi pun masa semester prtma msuk Kolej dulu..haha..sna mmg best ..:)

daiaziz said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates
