Carrefour Here I Come!

FINALLY i've got it!
got what?
of coz got a part time job lahh
what job u've got?
ohh! forgot already to said it
ok..i just work as the part time CASHIER at carrefour
CARREFOR = care for u :)
and it make me so happy!
but why?
coz i can earn side money during my hols and dun have to stay at the home 24/7

Ok! i dunno what else to write here
here i have some pictures of mine
and i would like to share with :D

ok now!
 i have to sleep early
coz tomorrow is my FIRST day! 
and i have to wake up early in the morning
well..GOOD NIGHT guys!! :)

6 love bananas! nyuumyy:

Ainee Cumi said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

tahniah kawanku..
respek ko sebab ko pandai menghargai masa...
salute! salute!

Ainna Jalil said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

terima kasih ^_^

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

@Enna : Carrefour ambil part time cashier juga ke? Nak juga!!! Berapa weh diorang bayar?

* My new blog. Feel free to follow ;)

Ainna Jalil said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

qodoq : RM 3.43 sejam
part time la..aku mana abis blaja lagi

Anonymous said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

@Enna : Weh! Aku nak juga. Aku bosan duduk rumah macam orang gila ;(

Ainna Jalil said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

qodoq : kamu udah abis praktikal ke yunk?
kalau begitu..sila le pergi ke carrefaour berdekatan dgn anda
gaji lain2..maybe kat tempat kau mahal sket kot