Graffiti? Model?

(for the first time i said no for the beginning)
this is not the PROFESSIONAL photoshoot
it just
Me and my CRAZY, sewel, sengal, BESTIES syahmi doing it just for FUN

inilah kerja apabila menghadapi CUTI SEM
so BORED u know!!
thats why me and syahmi was doing crazy things like this

for more PICTURE
u can view it tru my FACEBOOK!

2 love bananas! nyuumyy:

daiaziz said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

huhu..ko pon ade sesi phtotoshoot...
wah...sume pon dah pakat nak jadi model ar nih..
weh...ko kan suke tgk membe aku lawa2 kan..
tgk kat fb..
tasha shilla...lawa die..
membe aku tym skul rendah dulu..=p

Ainna Jalil said...Best Blogger Tips[Baling Pisang Balik!]Best Blogger Templates

okay :)
jap nak p usha jap